When a community faces a crisis, the Assembly of Heads of States should immediately convene to address the crisis. Three member states with governments that do not owe their origin from the consent of the people have declared their intention to withdraw from Ecowas because of actions by Ecowas they deem to be undermining their national interest.

Ecowas is not just Ecowas of states, it is also Ecowas of the people. Ecowas is also not an end in itself. It is a regional grouping of the African Union. It should become unthinkable for any Ecowas state and by extension, AU state, to withdraw from Ecowas or the AU.

Hence the expression of regret by individual governments is at best inappropriate. What should be done is for the whole community to meet and discuss the development with a view to finding solutions. Problems of states require people with knowledge and experience to address them. Ecowas should build up pools of experienced and knowledgeable persons who could be mobilized under such circumstances to monitor the grievances of the respective countries and recommend solutions to prevent a breakup of the community.

The Assembly of Heads of State should earn the respect of all member states and should guide countries where coups d’état have taken place to move towards democratic constitutional rule within a reasonable time frame. It is that reasonable time frame that should be negotiated with sincerity and objectivity. We hope that the Authority of heads of state and the African Union will reflect on the decision of the three states and guide them not to bring shame to African continent by showing that the African people cannot manage their own affairs or solve their problems themselves.  

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