DETENTION WITHOUT TRIAL OF GIA MD CONTINUES After 22 days in detention, what’s next?


By Mustapha Jallow Following the arrest and detention of Mr. Bakary Nyassi, the Managing MD Bakary NyassiDirector of the Gambia International Airline (GIA) since19th August, 2014, he is still under detention without trial at the Brusubi Police Station for 22 days, said a family source. According to sources, Mr. Nyassi’s arrest came at a time when he was preparing to go abroad for studies. After search at the Banjul International Airport, sources added that he was eventually picked up around the Brusubi Police Station and later escorted to his family residence in Lamin purportedly to search for some documents. Family sources revealed that Mr. Nyassi was later escorted to the Brusubi Police Station where he is still detained beyond the 72 hours Constitutional limit. The family members intimated that the reason for the arrest and detention of their loved one is yet to be known to them and that no reason has been advanced to them by the police. They said they have been granted access to him. Up to the time of going to press, the Public Relation Officer (PRO) of the Gambia Police Force, Superintendent ASP David Kujabi could not be accessed on phone on Monday, September 8th.        ]]>