Cuban Medical Team Holds Sixteenth Scientific Meeting

Cuban Medical Team

By Kebba Mamburay

The Cuban Medical Team, held their sixteenth Scientific Meeting in Banjul on 30th June 2018 at the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital. The Head of Department, Basic Science UTG, Rebecca Lahera Cabrates, welcomed their collaborators and Gambian brothers and colleagues, who their share jobs with.

Rebecca explains that their job in the Gambia is hard but they rejoice at their contribution in the health and well-being needs of the population, as well collaboration on the training of human resource personnel, whose knowledge and qualification will add to the development of the health sector. She urged the gathering to commit themselves to their work through the teaching and research of medical science and services.

Cuban Ambassador to the Gambia, his Excellency Lazaro Herrera Martinez, expresses his pleasure in knowing that this year group of Gambian health professionals have joined their Cuban counterparts to carry out research projects; that he is hopeful this is the beginning of a joint effort of integration between health workers of both countries, for the common goal of defending the most human of all rights, which is the right to life and good health.