‘Credit Owed To Farmers Paid, 25% Commission Left’


Abdoulai G. Dibba

With barely ten days before the close of the groundnut trade season for the year 2018/19, Managers of ‘Seccos’ or groundnut buying points across the country, on Tuesday March 19th 2019, informed this medium that money owed to farmers for the purchase of their nuts on credit, have been settled; that what is now left is the 25 percent commission that should be paid to them by the GGC.      

‘Secco’ Managers within the Barra, Kerewan, Kaur and Kuntuar Depot circles said they do not owed money to farmers within their groundnut buying points.

They said the National Food Security Processing and Marketing Corporation or former GGC, instead owes them their 25 percent global commission for the season.

Explaining how they are owed the 25 percent commission, the ‘Secco’ managers said the corporation usually retains this fund until at the end of the season after reconciling with them, before effecting payment.