COVID-19 Is A Real Killer The British Prime Minister Is Infected


The Associated Press has made it very clear to the world that the Corona Virus known as COVID 19 does not distinguish between rich and poor persons or developed and developing Nations.

It reports on the departure of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson , from where he was quarantined to the ’’intensive care unit of a London hospital after his coronavirus symptoms worsened.

Johnson’s office says Johnson is conscious and does not require ventilation at the moment.
Johnson was admitted to St. Thomas’ Hospital late Sunday, 10 days after he was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Johnson has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to deputize for him.

The government said Monday that 51,608 people had been confirmed to have the coronavirus in Britain, 5,373 of whom have died.

Readers would recall that the first person who tested positive after displaying symptoms of COVD 19 infection flew from the UK to the Gambia.

The number of confirmed cases in the Gambia is still low because of two possible factors. First and foremost, the virus is not of Gambian or West African origin. Hence it must first be brought into the Gambia. The more efficient the controls and means of detection at the borders, the lesser the infiltration.

Secondly, there is no universal testing policy. Hence, we do not know the status of the vast majority of the Gambian population.

The numbers should not deceive Gambians. The virus has no cure and any increase in the numbers would spread like wild fire if we do not develop the culture of washing hands and maintaining safety spacing between people.