Coronavirus takes centre stage at the National Assembly


Highlighting the economic impact assessment of the coronavirus now referred to as COVID-19, the minister of Finance trumpeted the alarm that economic growth may slide down to 3 percentage point lower than the 6.3 percent estimate for 2020; that revenue performance may reduce by 1 billion dalasis; that domestic borrowing will increase unless expenditure controls are initiated; that unless the challenge posed by the virus is addressed within a short period of time the budget financing gap may increase by 2.5 billion dalasis.

The minister proposed extra ordinary measures to control expenditure including the provision of six million dalasis from the health budget to address urgencies in dealing with the virus. The National Assembly is to invite the Minister of health to witness the presentation of the health committee of the National Assembly select committee on health, women, children, disaster, humanitarian relief and refugees and offer a comprehensive impact assessment of the current status of the coronavirus.

Is the pandemic an immediate threat or a future one? That is the question the minister will address today. Foroyaa will be there to give accurate coverage.