Confusion Grips Many Minds Regarding The Justice System: Kemeseng Again In Court


The case surrounding Kemeseng Sanneh is becoming more and more complex. In the past, the prosecutors had the tendency to keep persons in court for a very long time without a case to answer. They would charge the person and then not appear in court thus allowing the case to be struck out. They would then re-arrest the person and allow the same cycle to continue without a break.

A new political dispensation came into being in 2017. No one would expect that the mistake of the past would be repeated. Foroyaa is keenly following the rearrest of Kemeseng Sanneh who is arrested and taken before a new magistrate after the first magistrate struck out the case.

Diligent prosecution is a tool to prevent delay in the administration of the law. We therefore hope that the change in administration in 2017 would give rise to a new approach in handling court cases where the liberty of citizens is at stake. It is denial of justice not to show due diligent prosecution by not appearing in court causing the striking out of their case.

Whenever this happens the Director of Public Prosecutions should take over the case to protect the reputation of the case. A ministry of justice that fails to do so would be seen as an accomplice of delay in the dispensation of justice should the court eventually dismiss the case. History is writing its judgement and posterity will be the final judge.