Concretising The Reform Agenda


The state has undertaken to establish a truth commission to promote transitional justice, security sector technical working group to carry out assessment for security reform, National Human Rights Commission to promote observance of human rights, Land Commission to ensure reform in land administration, civil service reform waiting for an initiative after the staff audit.

On Monday, Gambia and Qatar signed an agreement to fund the truth commission (TRRC) to the tune of 3 million dollars. Yesterday, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice announced at a press briefing that the TRRC will “be launched on 15 October following identification of the 11 Commissioners including the designated Chairperson Mr Lamin J. Sise, and the Deputy Chairperson Ms Adelaide Sosseh. All the Commissioners will be sworn-in on the day of the launch ceremony on 15 October as part of the launch events.”

Regarding the National Human Rights Commission the Minister said the following:

“Following the shortlisting of nine candidates by the Selection Panel comprising TANGO, the Gambia Bar Association, Gambia Federation of the Disabled, National Youth Council, Female Lawyers Association of The Gambia, and the Gambia Press Union, I have now published in the gazette the names of the nine shortlisted candidates for objections by the public. After 14 days, and barring any objections with reasons in writing, the names will be forwarded to the National Assembly for their consideration and approval of five of the candidates before appointment by the President as commissioners to the National Human Rights Commission. We expect the NHRC to be fully operational by year’s end.”