College Student Seeks Financial Assistance to Collect Her Certificate


By: Aja Musu Bah-Daffeh

Fatou S. Jeng, a Gambia College student who hails from Jamali in Central River Region (CRR), is seeking assistance to pay her Higher Diploma in Agriculture program in order to collect her leaving certificate.

She completed the said program at the college (Brikama Campus) and has to pay her tuition fees in order to get her leaving certificate. It was a 3-year program with the total payment of D36,000.00, which she was to pay yearly for D12,000.00.

Ms. Jeng said she wants to continue to the University of The Gambia (UTG) and needs her certificate to be able to fulfill that ambition. That can only be done after paying her dues.

She lamented that her family is not financially able to fund her education as her dad passed away when she was child, adding that she is her mum’s hope to help ameliorate their situation.

According to the invoice from the college, “all payments are made to the Gambia college account at ECO Bank with the account number 007013494111201 and the Bban number is 00830101311120297. Deposit slip will be then issued or Bank receipt to be taken to the college accounts and a college receipt will be then issued to the person”.

Therefore, Fatou is calling on the government, philanthropists, NGOs and Samaritans to come to her aid in order fulfil her ambition and equally become a better person who can also contribute to national development.  

For assistance, Jeng can be reached on 3388845/9456834 or through her brother on 3388590.