Caution Should Be Exercised By The Supreme Islamic Council And The Gambia Christian Council In Issuing Press Releases


The two most significant Councils on religious matters in the Gambia are the Gambia Christian Council and The Supreme Islamic Council. Any Press Release they issue are deemed to be well researched and would be taken very seriously in all domains of national life.

Such statements would guide the actions and reactions of a large number of citizens in a positive or negative direction.

This is precisely why both Councils should not be quick to issue Press Releases and should further bear in mind the sensitivities of the other side in the choice of the language they use.

Gambian citizens are the majority. Belonging to a religious or ethnolinguistic group or gender does not reduce one’s affinity to that of a minority. Crafters of Constitutions have to consider all provisions very thoroughly before settling on text. Hence all citizens should ask why a particular provision is in a Constitution and then express their dissatisfaction if they are in disagreement with the answer. Foroyaa strongly suggests that the Christian Council raises questions why Sharia is mentioned in the Constitution for those with knowledge on such matters to answer and express grievances only if they are dissatisfied with the answer. Sometimes there are deeper insights than what the eye beholds.

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