the day as well as at night is indeed worrisome and no doubt leaves me in a state of insecurity. Just recently I became another victim, thus pushing upwards the statistics being accumulated in the books of the police. This incident took place around one o’clock in the afternoon within a timeframe of thirty minutes upon leaving the house to make a purchase around the Brusubi market area. The main front door to my house was forcefully pulled out with a huge metal crowbar that was left on my bed in my bedroom located on the top floor. The break-in left a trail of destruction and loss of valuable items such as my personal electronic items, which were carted away, along with precious memories that I want to believe, have gone forever not to mention, this violation of my privacy makes me terribly vulnerable. What is alarming is the fact that nearly every other person I came cross in the area or found me at the police station admitted of either being burgled at least once or knew of close friends and relatives who have suffered the same fate. I listened with horror and indignation as other victims like myself narrated their ordeal at the hands of unscrupulous criminals, some had their house cleaned up while they were there at home sleeping or away at work. I am compelled to raise awareness about this issue since many of the perpetrators go scot-free. Unless they are caught in the act one feels helpless in this situation. Moreover without suspect’s confessions that are often not the case, the chances of apprehending the culprit is almost zero. We have so far made a vain attempt at following the trail of my missing items because of the fact that some shop dealers in electronic items openly sell items particularly Apple products that clearly could not be unlocked as a result of “I cloud” password which I believe could only be provided by the rightful owners. This experience, which is being repeated, begs the question what can we that is both the community and the police, do to combat this growing menace? How can we harness our collective energies to raise awareness about this issue and thereby make our communities safer? I believe that by expressing my concerns, communities and the police would do more to collaborate in raising awareness about this menace and prevent other persons from becoming victims. Undoubtedly I speak for other victims who have had similar experiences and hope that by doing so we will all be assured greater security and less stress. Finally, I thank you  ]]>