Bill for amendment of Upper age limit passed



The National Assembly on Tuesday 25 July 2017, passed the Constitutional Amendment Bill 2017, to remove the upper age limit for the presidency and increase the upper age limit for the appointment of judges to 75 years.

The bill was tabled before lawmakers by the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Aboubacarr Tambedou and seconded by the Minority Leader and Member for Niamina Dankuku, Hon. Samba Jallow.

Attorney General and Minister of Justice

The bill seeks to amend the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of the Gambia by removing the upper age limit for election to the office of the President and by extension, the age at which a judge of a superior court should vacate office. The bill puts the upper age limit for judges to vacate office at 75 years.

The Minister added that it is envisaged that this will facilitate and encourage qualified, competent and experienced Gambians, to be appointed as judges of the Superior Courts or be elected to Political office.

This Bill, if it becomes law will also remove the upper age limit for qualification to stand for election for the office of president. Section 62(1)(c) will now read: “A person shall be qualified for election as President if he or she has attained the minimum  age of thirty years.” This means that any Gambian who is thirty years and above, is qualified to stand for election for the office of president.

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