Barrow: NPP Government Determined To Transform Gambia Into haven of Democracy


By Makutu Manneh

President Adama Barrow, the Secretary General and Party Leader of the National People’s Party (NPP), said his NPP led government remains determined to transform the country into a ‘haven’ of democracy. He said they are ready to achieve this goal with all committed Gambians and will work towards a longer-term and more robust development.

President Adama Barrow made these and other statements during the first ever congress of the National People’s Party (NPP).

“Today, from Kartong to Koina, Tujereng to Tambasangsang, Banjul to Basse and across the diaspora, Gambians express themselves freely, without fear,” President Barrow said. He said this is evident by the various thriving social media platforms, newspaper editorials, radio and TV shows and commentaries.

The NPP party leader added that after decades of struggles for freedom, now the Gambia has democracy with a wide latitude of freedom. He said their’s is a maturing democracy that has already earned global recognition and recommendation.

“In the past, making such bold statements was unthinkable, but this is the reality of the day and it is a remarkable achievement for the entire Gambian nation,” he said.

President Barrow added that as a young party, the NPP holds strongly onto promoting and consolidating the values of democracy, respect for human and peoples’ rights, and the rule of law, nationally and globally. He went on to say they are determined to preserve, promote and strengthen good democratic governance as these universal core values constitute some of the cardinal principles of their party manifesto and philosophy, which they will never abandon.