Alkalo Alh Kebba Kora expressed their unflinching support to Jammeh and the APRC government at all times. He thanked bansang-meeting-upper-fulladu-westpresident Jammeh for establishing the university, which graduates lots of home-grown doctors, citing that Doctors like Dr. Nyassy and Johnson who have conducted successful operations at the Bansang hospital and which has drastically reduced referrals from Bansang hospital to Banjul. Constituency women mobiliser Aji Fatou Cham said they will not compare President Jammeh with anybody but advised the people of Upper Fulladou West to turn in large number to vote for the APRC. They all assured president Jammeh their unwavering support to the APRC and the government.

National Assembly Member for Upper Fulladu West said the history of 22 years of progress and development cannot be wiped out easily. He advised the electorate to come out and franchise their rights and vote for President Jammeh during election rather than sitting at home and say he has won already without going to vote. He commended president Jammeh for the significant developments brought to CRR.

In all the meetings that were held in CRR, President Jammeh continued his usual praise of the people of CRR for being hard working. He thanked the people of CRR for the exemplary unity among themselves and encouraged them to keep the momentum and urged them not to encourage tribalism in their communities as it is an ungodly act.