Are Gambians preparing to die to settle political disputes?



Are Gambians preparing to die to settle political disputes?

Many people have been predicting a political impasse that would lead to war. Some do indicate that the soldiers would be divided between the incoming and outgoing governments thus leading to civil war.

It is necessary for all Gambians to know that every person who is employed by the state is a servant of the state and would be under the president who is constitutionally given the mandate to govern. All state employees would want better working conditions, increased income, promotion, job satisfaction and better life for themselves and their families.

Gambians should ask themselves why the same Gambians would refuse to serve the incoming government from the 19 of January so that they would have better working conditions, increased income, promotion, job satisfaction and better life for themselves and their families.

Which Gambian would turn his/her back at such benefits just to be loyal to a government which is no longer mandated to rule by the constitution and will be seen by all governments in the world as a rebel government?

As long as they are sane and dignified Gambians there will be no civil war or strife after the 19 January 2017. Gambia would enter a new era of peace and tranquility free from detentions without trial, disappearances without trace, wrongful dismissals, etc.