Are All Religious Leaders Conscious Of Section 25(1)(C) Of The Constitution?



After puritanical and reformist sects in religious groups perpetrated hostilities and demonstrated intolerance against each other and were later threatened with extinction by atheist states, republican constitutions emerged which proclaimed the secularity of the state and guaranteed the right of each person to profess and practise the faith, belief and religion of one’s choice or advocate the philosophy of one’s choice. This enabled people of different religions, beliefs and philosophies to co-exist without violating each other’s freedoms.

Section 25 of the Constitution states:

“(1)  Every person shall have the right to freedom to practise any religion and to manifest such practice;”

All Gambians should know that anyone who hinders the religious practice of any person could be taken to the high court for redress. No one is authorised to violate the right of any person to profess and practise his or her religion or faith.