Almami Alleges, Halifa Responds: Second Chapter in Fiction Writing


Taal turns into believer in fairy tale

Quoting Standard which has already displayed capacity to distort what I said by adding words to my speech to give the meaning  the author wanted to convey, Taal further went  on to rely on fiction to prove that he is  either  a believer in fairy tale or has no regard for  the fundamental principles  of jurisprudence in a modern democracy  which is the mother of instability and failed states everywhere in the globe, or both  .Allow me to quote his statement.


‘’It is perfectly normal my brother Sallah for citizens unhappy or dissatisfied with their government to seek the resignation of that government through peaceful and legal means. We have seen others going on hunger strikes and sit down strikes to achieve their goals. Mr Sallah it must be assumed by all Gambians that president Adama Barrow has the interest of this country at heart. Therefore he will voluntary resign I belief or call a national dialogue than drag this country into  perpetual protest and civil disobedience. This I belief is the hope and goal of the 3 years jotna group or at least that is what they have advocated for’’                           

Halifa Sallah’s view

First and foremost , the reader should bear in mind that I did  tell the nation at   the national Assembly that we agreed on a three year mandate for Barrow to put an end to self -perpetuating rule .I have explained that Barrow could resign under Section 65 of the Constitution after serving a three year mandate. I have never shifted from this position and PDOIS has never shifted from this position. We even refused to participate in any coalition talks or tours to explain why President Barrow would stay beyond five years. We have maintained that if Barrow wants to stay for  five years that is his own volition and he should explain that to the people for himself. While some leaders and some of their supporters have been shifting position, ours never shifted.

What then is the point at issue which transformed Taal into a self-appointed spokesperson of Three Years Jotna who has completely shown his misreading of political science and jurisprudence due to the theatrics of political fixations and obsessions.

Let me offer proof by stating the principles that his crooked pen has distorted for the sake of political convenience. Principles however are as constant as the golden sun. One cannot hide them  with the palm of a hand.

Taal,  history has given us two fundamental principles of political science. One belongs to the era of monarchies, oligarchies and tyrants where rulers cannot be changed by the people without overthrowing them. Under such systems where the coercion, injuries and abuses become unbearable the people have the right to rise up and overthrow such governments and put such other governments in office that would redress their grievances and remain sensitive and responsive to their needs and aspirations. Hence the rule of might could be changed by the might of the people under a monarchy and tyranny where the people have no right to elect their leaders and remove them from office.

On the other hand, in a democracy, where the term of office of a government is limited by law, the rule of law prevails. Where the people are dissatisfied with the manner of government in a democratic republic they have the right to criticize and scrutinise and restrain the government through use of freedom of speech   or assembly . However, if the government governs according to the law but fails to address the grievances of the vast majority, they have the right to elect a new government that would address their needs and aspirations. This is what is in line with the dictates of political science and jurisprudence and it is incontrovertible. Any departure from these principles is to mislead innocent minds. This is my position.

I have said that President Barrow should resign under section 65 of the Constitution to honour the coalition agreement. However,  if he decides to turn his back at the coalition agreement he cannot go beyond the five year mandate provided by section 63 of the Constitution. I am very clear on what the law says.

Taal however is sitting on the fence . According to him ,it  is not uncommon for people who are  “unhappy or dissatisfied with their government to seek the resignation of that government through peaceful and legal means.”

Many Gambians have asked Barrow to honour the coalition agreement .The Vice President told parliament that the Cabinet agreed on five  year mandate .Is there  a legal means to  enforce a three year mandate against the will of the President ?

Instead of quoting the law, Taal prefers to be vague again.

“We have seen others going on hunger strikes and sit down strikes to achieve their goals. “

Is that what Taal’s party is recommending to Gambians and will the leaders of the party be at the head to avoid a Sandeng scenario ? He must answer this question if he is honest. I will pause for his reply. If he evades this question then he must accept the charge of deception .

Furthermore, if that is what his party is proposing what defence would they  provide  those who resist being forced to leave by the police?

If he provides no defence, then he must be ready to accept the charge of using young people as cannon fodders for the political gain of a privileged few.

Let me conclude this chapter by expressing my surprise that the man who accused me of turning my back at what is  logical and  realistic  would now  put all his hope of ensuring respect for a three mandate not on the resolve of a legally backed struggle  that would inevitably triumph but  on the good will of the president.  This is what he wrote :
“Mr Sallah it must be assumed by all Gambians that president Adama Barrow has the interest of this country at heart. Therefore he will voluntarily resign I belief or call a national dialogue.’’

Here ,Taal has moved from evidence based political tactics and strategies  and has strayed into the vineyard of wishful thinkers in fairy land like we have always read in fairy tales. That is not the terrain for realist and judges relying on evidence to come to judgment

continued part 3