Agriculture Officials Commence Sensitisation Outreach on Grievances Redress Mechanisms


By Sariba Manneh

In a bid to prevent grievances and to ensure effective reporting, handling and management of grievances related to the interventions of The Gambia Inclusive and Resilient Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (GIRAV), top agriculture officials recently embarked on community outreach awareness on grievances redress mechanisms across the country.

The nationwide wide public sensitization campaign targets 40 communities, including 20 women and 20 youth-led agribusiness firms set to benefit from the project.

The outreach activities kicked off on Wednesday 13th December 2023 with a day’s sensitization forum at the community of Chabai in Foni Bondali District, West Coast Region. It was jointly organized by the Regional Grievances Redress Committee under the chairmanship of the Regional Agricultural Directorate.    

Participants included members of the Village’s women-led agric-business firm, Village Development Committee, District Chief and youth representatives. The facilitators included the Social Safeguards Specialist of the GIRAV project, Regional Agricultural Directorate (RAD) for WCR, representative of National Environmental Agency (NEA), Youth and Sport Regional coordinator for WCR among others.

In his Introductory remarks, Fafanding Katiri Kinteh, Social Safeguard Specialist, GIRAV project explained that the sensitization campaign is geared towards raising awareness of the project beneficiaries in particular and the general public at large on the Environmental and Social Safeguard (ESS) instruments developed by the project to ensure their effective implementation.   

He recalled that several communities that benefited from development projects in different parts of the country in the past have encountered series of environmental and social safeguard issues resulting to serious challenges and thus undermining effective implementation to ensure zero incidents of ESS challenges.

He said: “This is why the Gambia Government and the World Bank have from the onset of the project preparation phase taken onboard ESS issues very seriously. This is why the ESS instruments have been developed to help guide implementation of interventions.”

Kinteh said that during the implementation phase, many people including contractors and sub-contractors and labourers will be engaged to participate in the implementation of sub-project, thus increasing risk to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) including Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH), Violence Against Children etc.

“We are not here to cause panic or fuel misunderstanding between you and contractors and their workers, but rather to prevent incidence of GBV and its related issues. If contractors come here, please receive them well as it is customary here. That is our tradition and that is what our religion teaches us. However, in doing so, be vigilant and don’t tolerate GBV and any act that will undermine the project implementation at the detriment of the community,” he sensitized.

He further informed that residents would be given a free toll number to call the WCR Regional Agricultural Directorate in his capacity as the Regional Grievances Redress Committee (RGRC) Chairperson to report any undesirable practice in the course of project implementation for redress.

Nonetheless, he urged all to maintain peace and harmony to enhance social development in the community.

Mustapha Drammeh, Regional Agricultural Director and Chairperson of the RGRC) for WCR, said the rural community is fortunate to get such a giant garden that would contribute immensely in improving the lives and livelihood of residents.

However, he added residents have to work harder, maintain unity and cooperation to ensure sustainability of the agricultural facility.

 “We are here today because we are very much committed to the effective and smooth implementation of the project to promote food and nutrition security and increase individual and household incomes for shared prosperity,” he said.

Director Drammeh urged participants to take the sensitization forum seriously and disseminate the information and knowledge gained to ensure the sustainable development goal is attained.

In his presentation on the grievances redress mechanisms, Mustapha Camara, Senior Horticultural Officer at the Regional Agricultural Directorate and Secretary to the RGRC reiterated the committee’s commitment to ensure fairness, accountability and transparency in the execution of its duties.

Kaaybuteh Sanyang, Alkalo of Chabai Village, commended the GIRAV project and its partners for enlightening residents’ ahead of the project implementation. He said the sensitization will go a long way in maintaining peace between residents and project contractors.

Adama Bojang, Director of Planning and Development at the Brikama Area Council and member of the RGRC, advised residents to preserve and promote traditional values and mechanisms for Grievances Redress.  She also called for a paradigm shift and attitudinal change towards gardening to help bring about the much needed socio-economic growth and development in society.

Sutay Colley, a representative of the Chief of Bondali District lauded the outreach activity, saying it is the first of its kind in the area. He enjoined the people of Chabai to make good use of the opportunity to improve their lives and livelihoods. He expressed optimism that they will measure up to expectation during the project implementation phase in regards to the implementation of the ESS instruments.