‘Access to Information Law Not Enough’ Program Officer Article 19



 Amprofi Agyemang, Program Officer of Article 19, underscored that enacting access to Information Law is not enough, but it is important to make reforms on repressive Laws that might restrict access to information.

Mr. Agyemang made these remarks at a High-Level stakeholder workshop that aims to seek recommendations for a legal framework on access to information in the Gambia. The workshop was held on Tuesday 12th December 2017, at a local Hotel in Kololi.

This workshop is organized by Article19 in close collaboration with the Ministry of Information, Communication and Infrastructure (MOICI), supported by International Partners.

According to Mr. Agyemang, the consultation workshop aims to build synergies to discuss the status of access to information in the country and inform the drafting of the freedom of information bill in line with international standards and best practices.

“We are also hoping to have another program which will involve all stakeholders, including the National Assembly, to validate the Access to Information draft bill” Agyemang said.

Mrs. Awa  Ceesay Sabally, in her contribution said the political will on access to information and freedom of expression exist, but not completely.

She said unless some of these laws in the constitution such as false news is changed, they will affect access to information and freedom of expression.

The Workshop was attended by Law Enforcement officers, Civil Servants, Representatives of the Private Sector, Civil Society organizations, Journalists in the Gambia and International Partners.