The president of the United States and the prime minister of Israel should read the writings on the wall. A world movement sparked by University students is building up as the whole world become a witness to the destruction of life and property in Gaza through attack from land, air and sea without any weapons being utilized to protect vulnerable civilians. The body bags transported to hospitals which were also subjected to attacks and reports of 34,000 being massacred, most of whom are identified as women and children, have led the world community to condemn and show outrage against the genocidal trend of the Israeli government in response to the suicidal intrusion of Hamas to carry out massacre against Israeli citizens.

Since October, the over reaction of Israel has led to the total devastation of Gaza and the conscience of humanity throughout the globe can no longer withstand the heartless destruction of life and property.

Consequently many governments are now willing to recognise the Palestinian state as their people demand for ceasefire and an end of the war in Palestine. The president of the United States and the prime minister of Israel should take note of the causes of the tensions in the universities and immediately promote ceasefire and an end to the war in Gaza in order to diffuse the tension. The solution is not to take coercive action against those demonstrating against the war. The real solution is to ensure a ceasefire in Gaza and show that there is genuine negotiation to show that there is a two state solution for Palestine and Israel.

Instead of sending the police to dismantle encampments, state department officials should be sent to explain the steps being taken to put an end to the genocide in Gaza to prove that concrete action is being taken to address the concerns of the demonstrators.

 There is state politics and citizen politics. There is state diplomacy and citizen diplomacy. Dialogue is the means to bring the two together in order to find a national solution.