For months Foroyaa has been reporting on the border closure and reaching out to Gambian officials to make a statement but to no avail.
Now few people know what is the case of the Gambia is regarding the border closure.
Speculation is rife as to the cause of the closure. No press release has been issued by any minister or public official to the non-government media and no press conference has been held by them on the matter.
In the same vein, the Gambian opposition has been calling for electoral reform but no press release has been issued or press conference held on the subject matter by government officials.
A government should always take a proactive stance on such matters. It should not wait until a crisis occurs to use fire brigade measures to address them.
The month of May appears to be the last month for reforms to take place on electoral matters.
In his address to the National Assembly, the President completely evaded this issue. Here too the State is failing in brokering a dialogue.
No government is fit to govern unless it is ready at all times to listen to the concerns of all stakeholders and address them accordingly.
The future will tell.