Abdoulie G. Dibba Hon. Alhagi Sainey Mbye, the National Assembly Member for Upper Hon Alhagi Sainey MbyeSaloum, told a crowded Kaur Magistrates’ Court that the statement of Farba Jallow, the first accused, is true and not false. Hon. Mbye said this during cross examination on Thursday, 7th July 2014, in the false information case involving Farba Jallow, Sara Jallow and Kumba Loum.before Magistrate Mustapha B. Camara. The National Assembly Member for Upper Saloum is the sixth prosecution witness (PW6) while Alhagi Nganyie Touray, the ex-Governor of Central River Region, is the seventh prosecution witness (PW7) in the case. When the case was called, Sub-Inspector Colley announced his representation of the Inspector General of Police, while Lawyer Lamin K. Mboge said he is representing the accused persons. In his testimony in chief, Mbye told the court that he lives in Baati Ndarr in Upper Saloum and that he is a National Assembly Member and the desk officer for the APRC Party in Central River Region. Explaining his role as APRC desk officer, Mbye said he coordinates all the political activities of the party within the region and that during the president’s tour of the country he is the one who selects one person from each district to speak on behalf of the district and that those who are selected are either the District Chief or the Chairperson of the party. On the part of Nianija, he told the court that Farba Jallow, the first accused person, was the one who spoke on behalf of the District in his capacity as the Constituency Chairperson since the Chief, David Cham, was not present at the time of the meeting in Kaur during the president’s recent tour. He said Farba Jallow, the first accused, in addressing the gathering spoke a lot about the problem in Nianija and amongst the things he said was the problem between Baati and Chamen Nianija regarding the Barajal rice field. He said the first accused said the rice field belongs to Nianija but that it is inaccessible to them and that the people of Baati always had problems with the people of Chamen Nianija when cultivating the area. Hon. Mbye told the court that he recalled that from 2008 to 2012, the people of Baati used to buy kolanuts and go to the chief to appeal to them to cultivate the rice field, but that the district chief as well as the people of Chamen Nianija had always been refusing to allow them cultivate on the field. This, he said, used to create quarrels between the two villages which eventually led to the intervention of the then Governor, Alhagi Nganyie Touray. Hon. Mbye told the court that he can confirm that there is a problem between Baati and Chamen Nianija with regard to the rice field called Barajal. He said the first accused person has also spoken about the judgment delivered by the chief of Nianija regarding the farm land but that he (Mbye) has said that that is not his domain because he is neither a district chief nor a regional governor. The Upper Saloum NAM further told the court that this is what the first accused person said at the Kaur meeting during the president’s tour and that when the president enquired from him (Mbye), he told him exactly what he has said in the court. Mbye said when the President left, a team of investigators were sent to investigate what the first accused person has said and “I was among the people questioned and my statement is with the prosecution and if one goes through the statement, one would discover exactly what I said in court.” During the cross examination of the witness, Lawyer Mboge asked him whether the statement made by Farba Jallow, the first accused person, at the meeting in Kaur during the president’s tour with regard to the problem between Baati and Chamen Nianija, was true or false. In response, the Hon. Mbye said the statement made by the first accused at the meeting is true.  ]]>

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