Father of Triplets Appeals for Assistance


Aja Fofana, mother, holding tripletsNorth Nistrict, West Coast Region, who are the parents of newly born triplets, have visited the Foroyaa office to appeal for assistance from good Samaritans and philanthropic organizations towards the care and welfare of their children. “Although I am delighted to have triplets, it is also a challenge for me and my wife to take care of them as I am a mason who doesn’t earn sufficient income to be able to support them,” said Mr. Dambel. The 35 year old father said the triplets are in need of clothing, baby food, regular health check-ups, adequate attention, etc. and that they are not in a position to provide all these basic needs. “I am therefore appealing for support from individuals and organizations to take care of the needs of our triplets,” said the father. Mr. Dambel can be contacted on 7641202.]]>