Grade Nine Results Out 25 Students Scores Aggregate Six


By Amie Sanneh The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education has announced the release of the Gambia Basic Education Certificate Examination (GABECE) 2015 results. According to a press release from the said Ministry, the total number of candidates who entered for the examination was 22,430 students of whom 10,938 male and 11,492 female. The dispatch stated that Isatou Badjie, Aji Amie K. Jobe, Sheriff Newlands and Mariama Sabally all of Gambia Methodist Academy and Kaddijatou Bah of Bakoteh Upper Basic are the top candidates with a 1(one) in all their nine subjects. A total of 25 candidates scored aggregate 6 in 2015 (an increase of 14).

  1. 7 are from Gambia Methodist Academy
  2. 4 from New Convenant Upper Basic
  3. 4 from 22nd July Academy Upper Basic
  4. 2 from St. Theresa’s Upper Basic
  5. 1 from Tallinding Upper Basic
  6. 1 from Bakoteh Upper Basic
  7. 1 from Kinderdorf Bothrop Upper Basic
  8. 1 from Brikama Upper Basic
  9. 1 from Presentation of St. Mary’s
  10. 1 from Kabafita Upper Basic
  11. 1 from Pakalinding Upper Basic
  12. 1 from Barra/Essau Upper Basic
The release concluded that admission to grade 10 should be based on passes in the core subject to be seceded by boards of governors and not exceeding aggregate 42. Candidates are also urged to receive their individual results from their respective schools.  ]]>