Nothing can be more significant to the Gambian people under the Barrow administration than constitutional and electoral reform. The Gambian Diaspora that is responsible for keeping many homes afloat and stabilising the Gambian currency is calling for constitutional and electoral reform so that they can be able to participate fully.

In the same vein, Gambians have been waiting to hear what the executive has for them in 2025 which is often conveyed during the State of the Nation Address of the president. Now we are being told the second reading of the Constitution (Promulgation) Bill as well as the State of the Nation Address has been postponed till the next session of the National Assembly.

This means that between the end of this month and June the nation should go into constructive dialogue in order to reach a consensus in the constitution building/making process. The Elections Bill has also marked many controversies which should be examined and addressed with speed.

The Gambian people should know that independence is linked to the power to be registered as voters and to vote to bring about the Constitution of the land and determine representation to occupy high political office. Gambians should therefore be concerned with constitutional and electoral matters. The decisions we make could lead us to progress or retrogression.