After the murder of Sakina Chinedu, a lawyer, in February 2024, just over a year ago, it is now Reuben Andrews, a retired banker with people very close to them taken as suspects, those who have valuables in their homes should begin to re-examine how to ensure the security of their homes and their person. When the very people who know the ins and outs of a home can become so heartless as to kill just to take away the properties being valued more than human life, then a rethinking on personal security in homes needs to be done.

Nothing is a greater tragedy than to be killed by a person one trusts. Nothing can be a greater tragedy for Africa than to have African youths moving from one country to another with the only aim to become rich by becoming mercenaries or armed robbers. Such people become a disgrace to their country of origin, Africa, and to the African people at home and abroad. Such people should not only be brought to justice but their deeds should be publicly exposed in the media and highlighted in lessons on civic rights, duties and responsibilities in order to raise better citizens who love their country, continent and people.

Foroyaa mourns with all the family who witnessed such raw death that is inexplicable and incomprehensible.

Stealing is one thing but to take the life of a person just to steal is the greatest crime a human being can commit. Anybody who is contemplating to commit such a crime should not consider himself or herself to be part of the human race. Such a person is beast with a human mask. No Gambian or African should aim to be such a beast.