The groundnut trade season is in its final days. The new system of a partnership between the GGC management, QMoney authorities FACs and its coordinator and the federation of cooperatives to exercise direction and control over the groundnut trade has been put to test.
Challenges have been highlighted and attempts to address them covered. A sum of 840 million dalasi is reported to have been disbursed to purchase the crops that have found their way to the cooperative seccos. The GGC aims to send an envoy to move from one secco to the other accompanied by eye witnesses to ensure that no seller or secco is owed any legitimate dues.
The expected outcome is to offer proof of not only transparency and accountability, but also accuracy and reliability in the execution of marketing services. The media serving as eye witnesses will enable them to have first-hand information on all relevant facts governing the 2023/2024 groundnut trade season.
This unique operation will be a hallmark in creating an environment conducive for holding a national enterprise accountable to the farmers and open to the media for credible fact checking and balancing for the common good.