Tourism Ministry Clarifies Instructions on Suspension of New Land Applications in TDA


By Nelson Manneh

The Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture (MOTAC) in a press release issued on Thursday, 23 January 2025 clarified the instructions given to the Gambia Tourism Board (GTBoard) to put a temporary hold on all new applications for land within the Tourism Development Area (TDA).

“This measure has been implemented pending an audit exercise being conducted by the GTBoard to assess the current status of land within the TDA. The goal of the audit is to bring clarity, transparency, and order to land management in the TDA, ensuring that the application, processing, and approval of land for tourism-related development are predictable, seamless, and in line with best practices,” the Ministry of Tourism stated.

While the Ministry awaits the completion of this audit by the GTBOARD, it acknowledges there are exceptions to the suspension that may be permissible. Each case will be assessed on its individual merits.

In addition, the Ministry informed the public and tourism stakeholders of the following procedures to follow in the event of dissatisfaction with any action or decision made by the Gambia Tourism Board: 

A person who is not satisfied with any action or decision by the Management of the Gambia Tourism Board has the right to escalate the matter to the GTBoard Governing Body through the Chairperson.

If the person remains dissatisfied with the decision of the GTBoard Governing Body, they have the right to appeal directly to the Honourable Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture.

The Ministry assures the public and tourism stakeholders that these measures are being put in place to enhance the efficiency and accountability of land transactions within the TDA and to ensure a robust framework for tourism development in The Gambia.

“For further inquiries, please contact the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture,” the press release concludes.