When Ukrainian forces went into Russia we were alarmed by the possible consequences. We therefore posed the question whether Russia had a nuclear war doctrine. The reason why we raised the question is simple. The purpose of having nuclear war power capability is for deterrence against any military invasion by another country. Hence we concluded that it is either that Russia had decided not to implement its nuclear doctrine or had none.

It is therefore no surprise that Russia is now openly threatening nuclear war should Ukraine be supplied with means to strike Russian territory.

The world is more unsafe today than it was during the cold war.  Russia is in a situation that it cannot extricate itself from. Others need to come up with the diplomatic initiative to end the conflict.  However, its recent statement reveals that it is preparing itself for war with NATO. In that regard its war with Ukraine is secondary and it is using the development as a means of studying its weaknesses in the battle field to prepare itself for war. It is stockpiling weapons and is not using its most sophisticated weapons.

Those engaged in war studies should acknowledge that grave danger of escalation of war in Europe lies ahead.  How to avert it and ensure a peaceful settlement of the conflict is urgent.