Foroyaa has made persistent and consistent effort to link the GGC authorities to the comments of the farming community. Fortunately both sides are giving information to Foroyaa so that all problems could be properly addressed and their recurrence averted in the future.

What is evident now is the problem of cash flow to the requisite seccos to prevent credit buying. National Food Security Processing and Marketing (formerly GGC) has indicated security concerns in sending large sums of money to the seccos. Foroyaa will continue to engage the institution as it finds ways and means of ensuring crop for money once the farmers deliver their crops to the seccos. Periodic obstacles arise in receiving their money after delivery of their crops. GGC should keep the public informed in sensitization of the challenges and the means it is utilizing to address them.

In the long run villages must have credible financial institutions that should be able to receive money from clients like GGC and pay farmers based on receipts given by seccos of tons of crops weighed and accepted as sales. Immediate research should be undertaken on the viability or otherwise of visacas with a view to utilizing or replacing them to address the problem of credit buying. Foroyaa will continue to engage both the GGC and farmers in a bid for a solution.