‘‘The prophecy of Isaiah concerning the Birth of the Prince of Peace is beautifully summed up in chapter 9 verses 2 to 7. In verse 2 we find the following words, ‘The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. On those living in the land of deep darkness, a light has dawned.’

Further to this verse we find in verse 6 and 7, the purpose of this season. ‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty, will accomplish this’.

These words of hope that relate to the story of Christmas come to us at a time when the regions around which our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born are unstable. A lot of families and communities are wailing in anguish and trouble. This situation has produced various tensions and concerns especially amongst religious lines and theological perspectives. Such concerns and tensions have led to a cloud of darkness to hover over and around humanity. Yet in the midst of this darkness, God continues to shine his Light in the person of Jesus the Christ.

The Christmas story is not just a wonderful and beautiful story that needs to be heard annually but a story that provokes us unto hope. In this story, we find counsel, Joy, Peace and assurances that situations can be better in terms of justice, righteousness and prosperity. Maybe the most assuring of this promise is that which the last part of Isaiah 9 verse 7 reflects – ‘The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this’.

Christmas must be appreciated within this understanding that it is not Human effort that premises our salvation and by extension our celebrations within this season and beyond but a reality that God ignited in his Love and Mercy for the human race. The Christmas story is an agenda of the Supreme God. His desire to reinstate humanity into rest, freedom and dignity in us and within his kingdom of Peace is the whole meaning of the Christmas message.

Consequently, let it be understood that in all the attempts we will exhibit during this season to associate with the festivities in our many celebrations at home with friends and family, in our community engagements and the national holidays that we will enjoy, should catalyst us to rethink of the true meaning of the Christ event. Christmas is about us- human beings.

In our quest to think of ourselves as human beings, the Gambian concept of neighborliness comes to mind. In this concept, we associate and identify with one another in all spheres of Life. It is for this reason that in our nation Christmas resonates with all within the jurisdiction, and all seek to participate therein.

Neighborliness begins the journey for lasting peace, joy and Justice. It dispels darkness around all as it reminds us that ‘when there is fire in your neighbor’s house, your house might not be spared’. It resonates with our sense of community and by extension nationhood. In this context, we can truly be the smiling coast of Africa as we seek to depict to the outside world.

As our nation joins the rest of the world in celebrating the Christmas event, the words of the angelic host echo loudly within “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rest”. It therefore behooves us to continue in worship to God. Worship is not only about prayers to God but also about how we reflect or mirror the will and purpose of God. Our relationship with God must be premised not only in our rhetoric and recitals of religious verses and sentences but must be evident in our daily living and relationships with one another. Christmas must be understood in terms of sincerely sharing of love, joy and benevolence to each other.

Further to the Christmas story and message is the quest for peace. Peace is not an abstract notion that can be described in some grammatical context but a reality that humanity yearns for. All of us appreciate that in the Peace of ourselves, society and nation can we truly thrive and develop into a better part of the whole.

Consequently, I enjoin all to seek for the common good of all in peaceful discourses. Let’s promote anything that becomes a catalyst for peace and tranquility amongst ourselves.  In so doing the words of the Angels will bear witness amongst us “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

On behalf of the Methodist family within The Gambia, I pray for a happy and a blessed Christmas season to you all in the name of the celebrant himself, Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen’’


Most Reverend Bannie Ebenezer F. Manga

Presiding Bishop,

Methodist Church of The Gambia; Chairman, Gambia Christian Council.

December 2023.

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