“Sumaa Domm You Jigeen! Sumaa Jaamong!” Part 15 (My Daughters! My Jewel)


By Amie Sillah Maga As soon as the couple left he and Sap laughed at them. “Let them kill their children while we sit and laughed at them.” Magi They laughed over the exaggeration of Maga and Sap. Jaa “My husbandyou are a very good actor.” They laughed over it. “I’ll not kill my children for them to laugh at us; what about their boys, are they not the worse; the thieves and rapists of the village? They are all liars!” Magi posited. “I am surprised at my brother, at his old age being a big liar?” “I heard their wicked laughter Sap and your brother laughing carelessly. Do you believe what they say about I.J?” Jaa asked. “They are all lies, our daughters would not do that they are well behaved, we have trained them well,” Magi posited. The Go-Betweens Sura’s uncles came with Kolanuts to show their intention; Magi called his relatives as well as that of his wife to attend the occasion. Maga “This is what I wanted for my niecethat’s why I became wild when I saw your nephew ‘suck tonguing’ her in front of my home. As an elder I protested for the young to do the right thing and now I am very happy that my wish is granted.” He turned and advised Jaa. “Teach your daughter the etiquette of marriage life let her be a ‘traditional wife’ just like you.” “Thank you my husband I’ll do my best,” Jaa responded. Taaka Jaybaale Sura came in full speedwith the bride price and all necessary money needed for the marriage rites. He also sponsored the reception were the bride and groom wore wedding dress and gown at the town hall and exchanged rings, Sura is from the Aku Marabou ethnic group. Tenneng’s wedding to Sura became the talk of town and the envy of the girls and young women far and wide. Relocation After the ceremony, Sura requested to take his wife to the city where he resides and works. “Everything was done at the village to honour and make you happy Papa and Mama also thank you for giving me a beautiful maiden; I amvery satisfied with my wife.” “My son-in-law remember what I told you, I am entrusting my ‘chaat’ (last born) to you, their education is my primary concern, Send her to university to make her a graduate then my dream for my girls will be fulfilled and when I die I’ll rest in perfect peace,” Magi posited. “Papa I am now your son stop calling me son-in-law, your dream is fulfilled, I’ll be equal to the task, and as soon as we settle down I’ll enroll Tenneng into a private university here or abroad. Trust me in that and consider it done.” “If you do that for me I’ll be forever grateful to you.” The Siblings They cried for each other for the separation the first time in their life. They hugged and kissed each other and refused to part. Jaa “It is okay, take heart I.J this is sweet parting it is not death your sister only goes to her husband’s house and you can always pay her a visit at the city,” She addressed Tenneng. “Be a traditional wife just like me your mother; always be there for your husband in time of plenty be there for him, in time of little be there for him.” Jaa shed emotional tears together with her daughters, Maga and Sap eyed each other. Tenneng went to her husband’s house after all ceremony was done at the village. Lamarana    He sells ‘Jamba’ at the village to his lumpen friends. One of the guys Omaru came for stuff. “Money ‘naa hand’ before giving you my stuff,” Lama argued. “Please never come to my house again, my father is lousy as well as my mother, wait for me at our meeting place.” Yerro Maga He is from the bush he went to hunt bush fowls ‘chokerr’ and met his brother enroute. “Give me some stuff,” he demanded. “Where is the money? The rule is money before stuff, you have owed me a lot of money, I am nobody’s fool now, and I mean business,” Lama argued. “Don’t you see my bush fowls, I’ve already had some customers for them, just trust me.” “I’ll not buy a hen in a bag,” Yerro argued. His Customers Yerro did some farm clearing for some villagers as well as picking fruits in their orchards and they promise to pay him but when he visited few of them they made excuses and promised to pay him the next day. “Madam I am disappointed, you told me today I came and you are making excuses, tomorrow by the dot I’ll be here and don’t want any excuses if not you’ll see my wrong side.” “For sure, I’ll give you your money Insha Allah!” Aunty Bintou posited. Sura He paid the in-laws a visit and they were excited to see him. “How is T.J and how is she coping?” “T.J is quite adaptable and is coping very well as if she was born and bred in the city that is the advantage of education, you’ll be able to cope in any situation,” Sura posited. Lama came and saluted him. “My in-law! How is my sister, I hope you are taking good care of her?” “Sure, she also sends her greetings to all of you.” He also ordered him to off load the boot. They bought a lot of stuff to last for a year. “Mama your daughter bought you expensive wrappers, shoes, hand bag and latest plaited wig.” Mama and Papa are very happy. Mama exclaimed. “Neighbours, friends and relatives, Allah has come to my house O come and see him.” She started to dance and praise Allah. Sap    She heard the noise and came out to witness the happening. She rushed to the scene and saw the goodies. “Are you opening a village shop?” “No! No! Our in-law brought it for our feeding. Pray for his progress O! Pray for his progress!” “God bless you our in-law and how is our niece T.J?” “She is fine and sends her greetings.” Jaa showed her the materials bought for her. “They are beautiful.” Sap commented. “Thank our son and his wife and pray for them,” She told Sap who concurred.

  1. J She came from an errand in the village and is also excited to see Sura. “How is my sister doing? I missed her a lot.” “She is doing fine and has asked me not to leave you behind that you should come to the city with me.” “But I don’t have a job now and I am trying to find one.” “But you cannot find one in the village you must come out and which is a better place other than the city?” I.J looked at her parents who shook their heads for approval. “What did she buy for me?” She asked Sura. “Check the front seat.” She rushed to get her present.
Maga He came and exclaimed. “What is happening here, a ‘luumo’ (market day)?” “Our son brought it for me and my wife pray for him and his wife O!” Magi posited. “Our son brought it for us you and me,” Maga shamelessly posited as Lama lay straight on the goods protecting them from intruders. To be Cont.  ]]>