Never in the history of humankind have leaders with their fingers on the nuclear button so threatened the innocent people of the world because of their inability to display world leadership.

Every leader of a state in the world is also a world leader. This is why each leader of a state has authority to address the United Nations and serves as an equal to all leaders of the world irrespective of the size and position of the country they lead.

One would have thought that the norm of the 21st century would be determined by the desire not to repeat what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One would not have thought that leaders who should love and serve the people in their respective countries in particular and the people of the world in general would use nuclear threats in their sabre rattling to show their military might. Those people of the world whose minds are faithful to facts and not fiction can see very clearly that Russia with its nuclear arsenal has not faced and could not face any existential threat from Ukraine. And NATO cannot face any existential threat from Putin with all their nuclear arsenals.

The existential threat could only come from the war where neither NATO or Russia would emerge as winner. That is the battle to wipe each other out from the face of the earth through nuclear war. After four months of smashing Ukraine’s face while Ukraine tries to hit back against Russia with kids’ gloves while the leaders of the world edge it on in the name of demonstrating heroism and serving as back stopper of western civilization.

The media that serve as cheer leaders in the first instance are beginning to divert their attention from the horrors and implication of Putin’s war in Ukraine and Zelensky’s claim of saving western civilization and democracy with Ukrainian blood. The claim that a world war was emerging between autocracy and democracy fell on deaf ears as the facts of the attack on the capital that hosts the congress of the United States confirms that democracy is threatened everywhere in the world and is waiting for leaders who see themselves not only as servants of the people of their country but as servants of the people of the world as a whole.

Leaders who are outraged by oppression and injustice everywhere in the world and would never ever under any circumstances divide the people of the world or pit them against each other in pursuit of the glory of power.

Power can only consume the powerless and also consume the powerful. In a nuclear war the whole of humankind will be consumed regardless of the number od nuclear weapons they have.

Even though a lot of destruction has already taken place in Ukraine there is no option to negotiation to end the war and give Ukraine the possibility to have a new start. The people of Ukraine and not its leaders are the owners of Ukraine and they like the Russian people have a right to self determination and independence and the right to determine their leadership based on their consent so that they would render services that would enable them to live in liberty, dignity and prosperity in a climate of peace and tranquility.

One therefore expects the war to stop and all the people of Ukraine, regardless of the region they occupy, to express their voices once more on the Ukraine they want. The leadership in Ukraine, Pro-Russian and Anti-Russian, Pro-EU or Anti-EU should meet at a convention to determine their negotiating positions on the referendum that the Russian people should address to have a final settlement. This is the way forward.

The foreign powers may try to exert their influence on the forces that sided with them in Ukraine but the Russian nationals should negotiate as Ukrainian nationals and find a middle ground to bring their diverse people to co-exist in unity or diversity to save Ukraine as a unitary nation or a federation or semi autonomous regions. The answer is there if they have the political will to solve their existential existence. No one will do it for them. They must do it themselves through dialogue and negotiation.