Gambia- Chinese Boxing Association Trains Trainers on Technique, Defence


By Louise Jobe

The Gambia Chinese Boxing Association on Friday 6th August 2021, organised a three-day training of trainers on technique and defence, drawing participants from The Gambia, whilst the coordinator came from Senegal.

There were 35 male and five (5) female participants.

Mr. Ousman Badjie, Technical Director of Chinese Boxing Association, said the aim of the training was to help develop the skills and knowledge of young Gambians in Chinese boxing.

Badjie also said that Chinese boxing is a new type of sporting activity in The Gambia which they would like young Gambians to get involved in.

“We have built a partnership with the Senegalese Boxing Federation who provided us with a trainer,” he said.

According to him, this is the second time they organised such a training course in The Gambia.

Mr. Badjie further said since the first group was trained, they participated in a competition in Senegal with their counterparts and won some medals that motivated them to get more involved in the sporting activity by training other participants.

The event took place at the Serekunda East Mini Park in Latri kunda Sabiji. KM participants were first trained on basic skills, while in the second phase, the training focused on techniques and refereeing as well as Game Rules.

Participants were issued with certificates at the end of the three days training course.

Mr. Shiekh Baldeh, the trainer /course coordinator from Senegal, said: “We would like these young trained Gambians to participate in international competitions just like we (Senegal) are doing,” he said.

In his closing remarks, Baldeh urged the trainees to keep it up and be willing to improve on their skills.