UDP Clarifies Suspected Cannabis Police Found in Party’s Pick-Up


By Mustapha Jallow & Hatab Nyang

The United Democratic Party (UDP) has issued a statement over the weekend to clarify the circumstances in which the Police found suspected cannabis in one of their party’s pick-ups.

The party said one of their vehicles whicht was on maintenance at a mechanic workshop, was intercepted by the police patrol team and bonds of cannabis were found with the driver.

“The UDP wants to make it categorically clear that the driver at the time of the incident is not a member of the party, but a mechanic tasked to repair the vehicle in question,” the party said.

“The United Democratic Party commends the Gambia Police Force for its continued vigilance in fighting crime and asks that a thorough investigation be done and the culprits punished for breaking the laws of The Gambia to the letter.

“The UDP is disappointed that the mechanic betrayed the trust of the party by allegedly being in possession of cannabis while using our vehicle. The party is offering to cooperate with the police to make sure this matter is put to rest; and the UDP continues to strive for a crime-free Gambia,” the party stated.

Meanwhile, the Gambia Police Force on Saturday announced the interception of a yellow pickup truck belonging to the UDP for allegedly carrying suspected cannabis.

The interception was made by a unit recently instituted by the Police High Command called “Operation Zero Crime’’ aimed at tackling crime in the country. The unit was led by the Police and backed by other sister security outfits such as personnel of The Gambia Armed Forces (GAF), National Intelligence Agency (NIA), National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, Immigration Department, Prisons Service, Fire and Rescue Service.

Police spokesperson, Superintendent (Spt.) Lamin Njie said the suspect has been taken into custody. He explained that on 17th April 2021, a patrol Team Crime (C) of Bundung Division, during night patrols intercepted the yellow pickup truck driven by resident (name withheld) of Sukuta.

“The driver failed to stop for checking resulting to his immediate pursue. While evading security check, he caused considerable damage to the patrol vehicle,” Njie said.

Njie added evidence of suspected cannabis was found in the vehicle leading to the arrest of the driver. Police PRO Njie said since it is a drug related matter; the case has been handed over to the Drug Law Enforcement Agency of the Gambia for further actions.

Nonetheless, Njie said the Traffic Department of the Police is assessing the damage caused to the patrol vehicle.