23 Year Old Heart Patient Seeks Medical


Nyimasatou Kinteh, a 23-year-old female residing in Fajikunda, is seeking medical assistance in order to facilitate her overseas medical treatment.

Nyimasatou Kinteh, who is also a housewife, said she was diagnosed with congenital heart disease since 2014. She said she has been battling with the ailment for the past six years.

She said she visited Bafrow Medical Centre where she was diagnosed with the disease and she was told that the disease cannot be treated in the country because there are no facilities to do cardinal surgery in The Gambia.

According to the medical report issued to Nyimasatou Kinteh by the Bafrow Medial Centre, the congenital heart disease she was diagnosed with is stable, and she has no sign that it will close spontaneously.

The Medical report further indicated that Nyimasatou is currently stable. But that without surgery to close the VSD, the shunt will reverse and she can develop pulmonary hypertension and subsequently a right heart failure.

“Since cardiac surgery could not be done in the Gambia and as there are no facilities for it available anywhere in the country, Bafrow Hospital therefore recommends for her to be taken overseas where such a facility is available for her to undergo this type of surgery, before it is too late,” the report concludes.

The 23-year-old said she is seeking assistance from all and sundry and any Good Samaritan who wants to assist her can call the following number: 7657492.