Covid-19 And The Declaration Of A State Of Emergenccy


On 30th June 2020, the following motion was supposed to be tabled before the National Assembly  for the National Assembly  to consider and approve to extend the period of the state of emergency for 45 days  and further affirm the period of the public Emergency regulations with effect from Wednesday 1st July 2020.

The media expected that the Minister of Health and Finance would be seated to explain to the deputies what has been done so far to   address the Pandemic and what else needs to be done that requires the proclamation of a state of emergency.

The motion was never introduced. Instead of a debate on the motion, the speaker adjourned the session. An official explanation as to what transpired leading to the setting aside of the motion is yet to be given. This should be clear today. Foroyaa will seek more clarification on this matter. Since a divided Assembly led to the rejection of the motion for extension, the executive has extended the state of emergency twice.  The Public needs explanation. They cannot get it from any better source than the Assembly. Foroyaa will investigate and give a clear picture on the matter.