ALERT !ALERT! ALERT! The Number 1025 Should Have Meaning


The Nation should be alerted that the health authorities have been informed through 1025 that no sign of protection is evident regarding the home and community of the five people who are recently taken for treatment because of testing positive to COVID 19 infection.

We are already informed by the Minister that imported sources of infection have given rise to local spreading of the infection to two persons. This should compel the authorities to take extraordinary measures to protect the residents of the home and community where the infected persons live.

Where cases of persons with the illness are evident measures should be taken to protect the residents of their home and communities from the PANDEMIC.

All the sacrifices of our people due to extraordinary regulations would be meaningless if extraordinary steps are not taken to contain what is already tested and confirmed and slow down endogenous or domestic transmission

Ill preparedness or negligence in the face of a killer amounts to crime against humanity. No single health person should be found guilty of negligence in the face of such a killer. The health personnel should be in the front line to save lives. They should inspire the rest of us and not wait to be exposed for negligence of duty.

Voices should be raised from all homes and communities where COVID 19 cases are discovered with the view to alert the authorities to give them the required attention and protection without any delay. Foroyaa will begin close monitoring of such matters to alert the public.