Should A Remanded Prisoner Be Held For More Than Seven Days Without Trial?



The liberty of the accused is central in law. No human being whose guilt is not confirmed should be detained without speedy trial. This is verdict of law, justice and common sense and should not be controverted. This is why bail is granted to accused persons upon application and short intervals are allowed pending appearance before a court. In fact the Criminal Procedure Code makes it mandatory.

The question now arises: Is this applicable to the high court? The legal minds should address this question as quickly as possible and amend the rules of procedure of courts so that they will speak the same language with the dictates of justice and fair play.

In the interim, the political forces in the country should try as much as possible not to reduce court cases into partisan affairs. Those in custody need freedom and nothing should be done to hinder that freedom by alloying demand for freedom to partisan political interest.