The State And The Media – A Tripartite Meeting Necessary


The state out of its own volition gave ‘Three Years Jotna’ permit to hold a procession which received media coverage. Media houses have the responsibility of airing out the views of the public. PURA has the responsibility of examining the views expressed to determine whether they are in line with the code of conduct that should guide broadcasting in the country. The minister is responsible for issuing licences as well as suspending and revoking them.

Radio stations cannot be suspected of criminal action. It is individuals who utilise them that can be suspected of violating the law. Closing a station and arresting a person for violating the law are two entirely different matters. The police may have a right of arresting a person who is suspected of violating the law but has no right of closing a radio station. A radio station can only be closed down if their licence is either revoked or suspended.

As Gambia nurtures the aspiration to build an open democratic society guided by adherence to the rule of law, there is need for a tripartite meeting between the GPU, PURA and the minister to settle the problems being encountered by King FM and Home Digital FM.