VP Touray Assures Farmers


By: Kebba AF Touray

The Vice President, Dr. Isatou Touray has assured farmers that their concerns will be addressed.

Vice President Touray, gave this assurance on Friday 15th November 2019, while addressing the community of Wuli East Village of Sutukoba, during an assessment visit to the victims of the recent storm, ascertain whether the victims have received assistance from the NDMA and the assistance gaps, to devise ways of filling in those aid gaps to the victims.

She assured the women that their concerns have been noted and expressed that the concerns will be addressed, noting that most of the concerns , especially on the side of agricultural implements such as milling machines, tractors and rakes to help them boost their horticultural and farming aspirations.

She said, “Next year’s rainy season will be far better than this year’s. I thank you for the unity you have portrayed and this is crucial in the development struggles of our country after having emanated from 22 years of bad governance”.

VP Touray also informed the convergence that currently, they have projects to supply electricity to the health facilities and assured that Sutukoba Clinic will be a beneficiary of the project.

She went further to urge Gambians especially the youth to distance themselves from the three years Jotna movement.

She said “the youth are the future leaders and primary contributors to the attainment of the 2016 change and the nation at large. We should all put hands in glove to support the 2016 change, after 22 years of oppressive rule”.