When will the report of the Janneh Commission be accessible to the public?



According to section 204 of the Constitution,

“On receipt of the report of a commission of Inquiry –

(a) the President shall within six months publish the report and his or her comments on the report, together with a statement of any action taken, or the reason for not taking any action, thereon; or

(b) where the President refuses to publish the report for reasons of national security or otherwise in the public interest, he or she shall, within six months, publish a statement to that effect.”

The Commission of Inquiry into the Financial Activities of Public Bodies, Enterprises and Offices as regards their dealings with former President Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh and connected matters (dubbed Janneh Commission) submitted its report to the President on 29th March, 2019. This means that the report should have been published by 29th September, 2019.

Our enquiry from the National Printing and Publishing Corporation reveals that the printing of the nine volumes of the report is still incomplete, thus making the report still inaccessible to the public.

Foroyaa will keep the public informed of developments.