African Development Bank launches US$ 2 billion 1.625% Global Benchmark due 16 September 2022


ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast, September 13, 2019/ — The African Development Bank (ADB), has launched and priced a US$ 2 billion or 3-year Global Benchmark bond due on 16th September 2022, its first US$ benchmark of the year.

Launched on September 11, the bond issue is the Bank’s second Global Benchmark of 2019, following a EUR 1 billion 10-year priced in March 2019. With this transaction, the Bank has now raised US$ 4.4 billion in 2019 to date and executed 61% of its borrowing program for the year. The transaction received strong support from investors globally, with order books reaching US$ 2.8 billion and 53 investors participating. The high quality of the order book is illustrated