Dead Fish Washed Ashore On Gunjur, Sanyang Beaches

Dead fish was found washed ashore

By Madiba Singhateh

Lots of dead fish was found washed ashore yet again on the beaches of Sayang and Gunjur, as others can be seen floating in the sea.

The cause of this massive quantity of dead fish lying everywhere on the beaches is said to be the result of over fishing by fishermen, who later dumped their catches at sea because it cannot be bought by Fish Meal factories.

This is the second time that such pillaging of the country’s sea resources is happening in Sanyang, with a previous one done in the same area, when the Nissim Fish Meal factory was not able to buy their catches. Sometimes fishermen over fish to the extent that their catches cannot be bought by fish meal factories.

Sulayman Bojang, President of the Gunjur Youth Association said this happened during the night of Wednesday May 8th 2019, when the fishermen dumped their catches at sea, because Fishmeal Factories rejected them; that as at now, people are worried and in distress as to how the nation’s natural resources are being plundered and wasted.

Bojang emotionally told this reporter that journalists should give a wide coverage to these issues; that there are lots of environmental damage going on within coastal villages and communities.

According to Environmentalist, the country’s natural resources are being depleted at such an alarming rate that species are becoming rare in fish markets or will even get extinct.