Youth Minister Updates Deputies About His Ministry

Hon. Hadrammeh Sidibeh

By: Kebba AF Touray

Youth and Sport Minister Hadrammeh Sidibeh, on Tuesday April 2nd 2019, updated Legislators about his Ministry’s activities and improvements needed for the sector under his purview.

On infrastructure for Youth of Jokadu:

Sidibeh urged and encouraged the youth of Jokadu to form an association, develop a plan and present it to his office so that collectively, they will work to ensure that a sport arena (stadium), can be gradually be built for them.

Responding to the concerns raised by the Member for Niamina East on the time frame for technical training of youth, Sidibeh maintained that the trainings conducted were positive and the youth were trained on tailoring or other fields. This he said, covers a period of two months; that the training is usually carried out within a short time frame, because trainees already have a background knowledge on what they want to do; that after the training, they are given start-ups in cash or kind, to pursue their technical aspirations.

“There is a negative side which I am aware of and I will express my concerns to the trainers regarding the time frame. Nevertheless, we have a new agriculture technology training for twelve months. This is a new field and we have seen gains made by the trainees in that respect. This skill is in demand, and the private sector including the FAO, wants to recruit them for agriculture projects,” he said.

He informed that he was not informed of the dilapidated status of the Youth Center at Janjangbureh, but disclosed that he will engage the Youth Council to identify what the issues are. “We are looking for partners in all the job creation avenues in order to see our youth engaged in a meaningful ventures. They have to organize themselves and work with my Ministry to identify where and what they want in their areas, for us to start somewhere. I know the funds are limited, but we will do our best together with the fund raising sub-committee at Cabinet level. We are following this vigorously and hopefully by May, something will unfold,” he said; that the improvement of the structures of the stadia, is a priority of his Ministry; that in 2019, his will concentrate more on infrastructural development. Sidibeh said currently, the Director of Planning is on trek to access the conditions of stadia and other infrastructures in the interior of the country; that he has personally committed himself to develop the infrastructure in Basse.