ACDHRS Promotes Peace And Reconiliation In Rural Gambia


Banjul, 11 January 2019 – The African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies [ACDHRS], and its partners will hold a community outreach and radio talk shows on the peace building and reconciliation process in the Gambia from 13th -18th January 2019, at Central River Region, Lower River Region, Upper River Region and North Bank Region of the Gambia.

The community outreach will be organized in collaboration with the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparation Commission [TRRC]. The community outreach and radio talk shows are activities under the project ‘Contribution to the peace and Reconciliation process in The Gambia, through sensitization, dialogue and exchange activities between women and youth at community level’ funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiative [CFLI] and being implemented by the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies [ACDHRS] and The Truth Reconciliation and Reparation Commission [TRRC].

The main objective of the outreach and radio talk shows is to promote cultural dialogue between women and youth people of different ethnic background on the urgency of supporting the peace and reconciliation process and also mitigate present as well as future conflicts between communities in the Gambia.

The community outreach will bring together a cross section of the public including religious and traditional leaders, women, children, Alkalo and chiefs within the community. The outreach will target the four [4] regions stated above. The community outreach would cover topics centred on the Mandate of the TRRC and as well as the role of the community in engaging with the TRRC.