PEC Considers NRA Activity, Financial Report Today


By Awa B. Bah

The Board of Directors of the National Roads Authority (NRA) and external auditors Augustus Prom, on Friday November 2nd 2018, appeared before the National Assembly Select Committee On Public Enterprises (PEC), to present their annual audited financial statements and activity reports.

NRA’s external auditor Augustus Prom in their report, indicated that they have audited the financial transactions of the NRA for the year ended 31st December 2015; that the board of directors is responsible for the preparation of the year ended financial statements, to form an independent opinion based on their audit, and to report to PEC.

The auditors in their summary said they conducted the audit in accordance with international standards of auditing; that the authority’s financial statement gives a true and fair view of their financial position as at 31st December 2025 and of its financial performance and cash-flow for the year ended; that this was been prepared in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles that adhered to the Companies Act 2013, and the National Roads Authority amended act 2007.

On their part, NRA’s management in their summarized report said that in line with recommendations of the programme for accelerated growth and employment, the national road policy was recently formulated for the period 2011 to 2015; that key among the recommendations was the introduction of road user charges to enhance the road fund. This they said will significantly address the present maintenance backlog; that the need to control vehicle overloading is to avoid the premature failure of road pavements as highlighted in the policy.

During the period under review, the NRA management highlighted in their report that their capacity has steadily increased with the recruitment of more technical staff such as project engineers; that the position of technical staff has been filled for them to take charge of all technical matters. According to the report, two unit that will take care of contract management and urban roads and drainage, have been created with the managerial positions of each of these units filled; that further arrangements are being made to recruit more technical personnel to further enhance the capacity of the technical directorate.

They activity report of the NRA highlights the monitoring and supervision of development and maintenance projects key among them, is the trans-Gambia corridor project phase one and two. These projects according NRA’s management, involves the construction of the trans-Gambia bridge with feeder roads and markets, two joint border posts, feasibility and detailed studies and toll bridge management; that part of the project include an HID/AIDS road safety awareness campaign and road safety audits.

NRA’s management report shows that 80% of the primary road network has now been upgraded to bituminous standards with the completion of the Basse-Vellingara road in 2013; that the main outstanding sections are now the 121 kilometre long Laminkoto-Passamas road and the Basse-Fatoto stretches; that feasibility studies and detail design for the Laminkoto-Passamas road, was updated in 2013 to reassess its economic viability and to reflect current rates; that the project as at now, awaits funding.

At the conclusion of their deliberation, the Chairperson of PEC Halifa Sallah informed the NRA board and Management and their auditors, that due consideration of the activity report and financial statement of NRA for the year ended 2015- 2016, will be done today.