Abdoulie G. Dibba Action Aid International The Gambia (AAITG) on Wednesday 5th November Alasana Sabally2014 embarked on a visit of the intervention sites under their project “Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA).” Five reporters accompanied the team to make direct observations. According to Jainaba Nyang-Njie, the Manageress of ActionAid International The Gambia Communication and Documentations unit, the purpose of the visit is get first hand information of AAITG on Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) for improved agricultural productivity using techniques and methods that are environmentally friendly. Talking to Journalists about the concept of Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture, the AAITG Food Rights Manager Alhagi Wurri Jallow noted that it is an integrated system of plant and animal production practices that would in the long term promote food self-sufficiency and enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends. He said, it is also possible to make most efficient use of non-renewable resources, and Action Aid considers sustainable agriculture as an approach derived from the recognition of people’s right to food and that it is a way of life based on self-reliant and agro-ecological systems encompassing all forms of livelihood for smallholder farmers, on-farm resources. According to the Food Rights Manager, sustainable agriculture is considered to be the best way of sustaining the economic viability of farm operations and enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole. Manager Jallow said that the project organised a series of trainings on Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) that exposed over 100 smallholder farmers to the concept, principles, and strategies of the project as well as soil fertility enhancement without resorting to chemical fertilizer which is expensive. Jallow added that apart from the training the trainees were supported with early maturing crop varieties seeds that are capable of striving very well even with the short and erratic rainy seasons that are being witnessed in recent years as well as improved the soil fertility. “We want you to go on the intervention sites to see for yourselves and talk to the beneficiaries regarding impact of Action Aid Climate Resilient Sustainable agriculture intervention on their lives and report objectively,” stated the AAITG Food Right Manager. The team which comprises two staff of AAITG and one staff of NARI visited a farm in Touba Kolong in Upper Nuimi in the North Bank Region belonging to one Kumba Sanyang, a farm in Pinyai Niamina Dankunku belonging to Musukebba Kanteh, a farm in Kerr Laine belonging to one Awa Jobe, a farm in Sare Anis belonging to Foday Sowe, a farm in Njie Kunda belonging to Mam Fal, a farm in Ngawarr belonging to Alasana Sabally and a farm in Touba Demba belonging to Suntu Wally. All the farms visited by the team are within the AAITG Local Rights Programme (LRP) 8, 9 and 11 in North Bank and Central River Regions.  ]]>