Defence to File ‘No Case’ To Answer in Caliph General & Co Trial


By Kebba Jeffang & Rohey Jadama
Following the prosecution’s announcement of the closure of its case in the trial Sheikh Muhideen Hydarainvolving Sheikh Muhideen Hydara, Caliph General, and Alkalo Buyeh Touray, both of Darsilameh Sangajor, West Coast Region, the defence yesterday, 5 January 2015, informed the court it will proceed with ‘No Case to Answer’ submission.In his address in a crowded Brikama courtroom before Principal Magistrate Omar Cham, the senior defence counsel, Antouman Gaye, said they intend “to proceed with the submission of ‘no case to answer by a way of a written form and undertake to file the brief two weeks from today.”
However, when the prosecution did not raise any objection, the Court granted the defence’s application to file the “no case to answer” in a written form.
The matter was therefore adjourned to 19th January, 2015 for the filing of the brief.
Chief Inspector Camara represented the state whilst Lawyers Antouman Gaye and Lamin K. Mboge appeared for the accused persons.
It could be recalled that the duo was charged with two counts of ‘Disobedience to lawful order’ and ‘Conspiracy to commit felony’ and of which both accused persons denied any wrong doing. The two had also spent three nights in detention at various police stations and were reporting on police bail for several days before being finally charged and arraigned. Their trial is in connection with the observance of the last Eid-Fitr prayer (Koriteh) on a different date other than the one announced by the Supreme Islamic Council.