Press Release By the American Chamber of Commerce


Peace breeds stability, stability nurtures the enabling environment, the enabling environment ushers in new investment, further development, and more opportunities whilst also allowing existing business entities to germinate, grow, create jobs, ensure food at the table and contribute to national development.

On December 1st ,2017  Gambia witnessed it’s first democratic election in which the Gambian electorate chose for change, manifested by the exercise of their constitutional right on whom they wish to lead them  in the next five years. The results also provide us the opportunity to witness for the first time in our history since independence in 1965, a peaceful and democratic transfer of power. This further  accords us the opportunity to make history and let Africa and the whole world learn from tiny Gambia, that mare bulls, in other words, “Bejimms”( in the ndongo dialect) ,accepted as rig-free instrument to cast votes, could determine a change of power from incumbent to opposition.

History would have it,the verdict of the Gambian people was accepted by the incumbent; who sent excitement through the lent breadth of the country. This unfortunately, was short-lived when rescinded, and sent shock waves all over the world, Gambians and non- Gambians alike from within and beyond our borders were  all taken aback by this unfortunate turnaround with all the attendant uncertainties and adverse implications on an already struggling business environment.

Having assessed the troubling situation, the membership of the American Chamber of Commerce have expressed grave concerns on the impasse looming over the revised decision, seen as deterrent to progress. Mr. President, Having laid claim to peace, stability and for your love of the Gambia and her diverse people for 22 years as being a fundamental principle not be compromised, we urge that you place that love above all, in making a decision to respect the verdict of the very people that you love and allow them to taste for once, the peaceful and democratic transition and transfer of power in recognition of, and for upholding of the dictates of our 1997 constitution. The Gambia and all her diverse people need and deserve a place in world history; assure the whole world that we can without the help of anyone, usher in a sample of democracy known to only few countries and earn this rightful place in history.

Candor is the highest form of loyalty, and as often reminded by the words of wisdom of one distinguished and late wise son of Gambian soil that, “History cannot proceed by in silence”; and rightly so, it should not without the acknowledged decision of the Gambian people yearning for the respect for the verdict of the new Choice of Leadership in President Elect Adama Barrow that they have made; Amcham re-echo this request and urge that you do good with your early decision to concede and support President-Elect Adama Barrow to assume the mantle of leadership in the common interest of all. Allah Bless us all, Allah bless the Republic of the Gambia.